Friday, 6 January 2012

Step by step - How to draw 'Winnie the Pooh'

You will want to start by drawing some basic circular shapes of the character (aka Winnie the Pooh)

Next you will need to add more circular shapes to the shapes you have already drawn as seen in the first picture. This will include drawing in more circular shapes for his arms, legs, and face.

For the next step you want to draw the actual outline of the character, using the circular shapes you've just drawn as a guide. This can be a very rough outline, and you can fix and adjust it as you need.

Next you will want to start adding detail to the charater. As you can see in this photo, I have started drawing in the details of the characters face. In this step you may need to draw in some extra lines horizontally and vertically on his face to help guide you in drawing his eyes and nose.

Once you are happy with your drawing, make the character more defined by darkening the lines you have drawn.

Now erase all the extra guide lines you have previously drawn.

And finally, add in shading (for me shading makes a picture) and you are finished.

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